I Give People Permission to Change their Life


Checked all the boxes, but still feeling bleh?
Afraid to quit your secure corporate job?
Questioning everything, including your Mother’s advice?
Not even sure what you really want anyway?

TRUTH: Your cage opens from the inside out. 

It’s time to shake off the shoulds and go your own way. You can do it and I can help.

I’m Andrea

Braveheart Coach. Permission Giver. Podcaster. Author. Speaker. Dancer.

Making a series of weird, yet wise choices across my life--Peace Corps at 30, polyamory at 40, moving to Costa Rica at 46, (and many more)--while sometimes a total pain-in-the-ass, have led to my own HOMECOMING. No quarterback. No queen. Still wearing a crown.

Every time, I’ve begun by giving myself permission to go my own way. With marriage, parenthood career and my life.

The result is FREEDOM.


❤️ Permission Coaching
Permission to Choose Yourself

From looking outside to exploring within I help you navigate this uncomfortable path with insights, reflections, tools and space holding, so you can shed cultural conditioning and come home to yourself.

Result: Permission to want what you want. In your relationship, in your business, in your life. 

❤️ Permission Coaching
Permission to Quit Your Job

From existential crisis to exit interview, we’ll make this journey together with embodiment, agency, goodbye scripts and beautiful reinvention

Result: Shaking off the shoulds, expanding your view and changing your life.

What is Permission anyway? 

It’s letting go of form, it’s breaking few of  society’s rules, it’s shaking off cultural conditioning, it’s releasing what you THOUGHT life was supposed to look like. 

It might be……

❤️ Having your baby at a birthing center instead of a hospital….

❤️ Wearing cowboy boots even though you don’t ride horses….

❤️ Quitting the HR director job to get a PhD in Russian literature…

❤️ Not working on the weekends even though you always have…

❤️ Choosing not to have a child in a family where everyone else does….

❤️ Celebrating Christmas at home instead of seeing your parents…

❤️ Sending your child to a school without computers….

❤️ Saying NO to the Women & Wine event you used to love..

❤️ Being a working mom instead of a SAHM….

❤️ Moving to Lisbon for a year….

❤️ Taking ice skating lessons at age 40…

What Bravehearts have said:

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