How Giving Shit Away Can Win You Clients.

So awhile back I read Scar Tissue--a biopic of Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, given to me by my Twin Flame.

Between the heroin benders and mosh pit stories, Anthony is pretty darn BRAVE.

The word "absolutely effing crazy" also comes to mind, although I can't help but love him.

So in this one chapter, he tells about a time with his friend Nina Hagen. (Two points if you know who SHE is). He was looking through her closet and commented on an exotic and valuable jacket she had.

And right then, she GAVE it to him.

He said: "Whoa, I can't take this. This is the nicest jacket you have."

She said: "It's important to give things away; it creates good energy. If you have too much stuff, your life becomes very small."


Nina Hagen was right. Stuff has diminishing returns.

And when you learn to give stuff away, you spread the love.

Same goes for ideas, insights, metaphors, extra donuts, acronyms, aha moments, glitter, strategy, secrets, hugs and solutions IN YOUR LINKEDIN PROFILE.

So go spread the love, yo.


People who DO have money to pay you WILL call for the implementation, the rest of the story, the process and the hand-holding. People who DON'T have the money to pay you just got free advice--which is awesome. YOU will not waste a bunch of time giving away your services on the phone.

Give me something. Right now.

And then call me.....we'll sing Under the Bridge together. It's gonna be juicy.

#love #entrepreneurish #brand #givingback #youarebrave