Why Love Padlocks Are Romantic, but So Wrong

Is there a PADLOCK on your life?

Last week as my daughter and I crossed the Platte River Pedestrian Bridge in Denver, we noticed a few dozen padlocks attached to its rails, with lovers' initials etched onto each. 

The idea is that you "lock your love" onto the bridge, freeze it in time, and toss the keys into the water below, never to be found.

It wasn't a new phenomenon. 

Padlock love can be found across the world. The' Ponte des Arts bridge in Paris even collapsed from the weight of all its padlock love in 2014, to the tune of 40 tons. 

And I loved that this romantic trend had found Denver. 

And I kept thinking about it. 

And then I decided that padlocks were a TERRIBLE analogy for love. 

And a terrible analogy for MY BUSINESS. 

A terrible analogy for, really, well, anything. 

Padlocks are trying their damndest to make us believe in PERMANENCE, when IMPERMANENCE might be the ONLY TRUTH I know for sure. 

While they demonstrate commitment, which is awesome, padlocks don't CHANGE or GROW.

They are very picky about what gets them open.

They have almost no wiggle room. 

They're stubborn.

For all their security, they're terribly insecure and afraid.

And that's NOT REALLY LOVE. 

It's not how LIFE works.

It's not how YOUR BUSINESS works. 

Growth requires expansiveness, openness and FLEXIBILITY. 

It asks for EVOLUTION and change and curiosity, ALONG with commitment.


If this makes you stop and think, if you need to unlock one of YOUR padlocks, let's talk. https://go.oncehub.com/AndreaEnright

I'm in the business of transformation...and I wanna see you be BRAVE.

What's locked in your life? 

Is it time to shed your social conditioning?

What symbol would YOU use for your business growth?

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Tell me all about it. 

#personalbrand #self-reflection #youarebrave 

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