Wait, What Do You Do Again? Here's How to Keep People from Glazing Over

What do you do again?

Ever been asked this by someone who totally SHOULD know what you do?

Could be a few culprits here. 

1) People are confused by your description.

2) People are bucketing you into a preformed category.

3) People don't care. 

If you take care of #1 & #2, #3 will take care of itself.

Solution: Stop letting society dictate the words you use. It IS POSSIBLE to be Clear & Creative at the same time.

And as Samuel L. Jackson says....we need an EXample!

Instead of Real Estate Agent.....Say: I actually hold people's hands as they make what will probably be the biggest purchase of their life. 

Instead of Executive Coach......Say: I help powerful professionals hold a mirror up to themselves. 

Instead of Financial Advisor.....Say: I help people build a better relationship between their money and the meaning of life.  

Instead of Culture Coach...Say: I help companies get their head out of their ass with the culture piece so they can build revenue, reduce turnover and please the BOD.

Get it? 

Yes, you'll have to follow these up with more words.....

........but instead of a glazed over expression...

.....you'll see a little spoonful of surprise and delight.....

......and that feels pretty good. 

It's time to be brave.

You can do it and I can help. (two points if you recognize that tagline from yesteryear)


Soooooo...........what do you do?

#personalbrand #linkedinprofile #youarebrave

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