What Does Success Look Like For YOU?

Here's a question I keep asking.....

What does success look and feel like for your BUSINESS? 

What does success look and feel like for your SOUL?

*****Most of us set a business goal.......which represents our success..... 

and then as soon as we achieve that success, we move the goal posts to shoot for a DIFFERENT level of success.

....but we DON'T spend much time looking around when we're IN that success spot. 

Probably not enough time to even FEEL it or TASTE it or APPRECIATE it. 

But if we did, we would KNOW it and FEEL it more beautifully when it arrived. 

So what if we defined our OWN VERSION of success--both our Business success and our Soul success--so specifically.....

.....so that when it came, we could RECOGNIZE IT and FEEL IT and CELEBRATE IT and linger there..... just a little longer. 

If we do this, a few things will likely happen:

1) We'll learn what gives us true JOY.

2) We'll make better decisions, which will help us reach success FASTER.

3) We'll identify societal ideas of success that we actually do NOT hold dear or perhaps NO LONGER care about.

4) We'll spend more time in the NOW and less time in the future. 

A few parameters to get you started....

********If you were successful...

What would your day look like?

Where would you live?

What would you do on the weekends?

Where would you buy your wine?

How many hours would you work per week?

What feelings might go away?

How would your soul feel?

What kind of chocolate would you eat?

Which kind of clients would you serve?

What would you buy your kids?

What time would you get up?

How type of cigars might you smoke?

How big would your kiddie pool be?

We all have a different idea of success, right?

It takes some bravery to figure out what you want--especially if you're used to thinking of your children and spouse first.

But I believe in you.

And it's the FIRST step to becoming an INTEGRATED ENTREPRENEUR--someone who's INNER LIFE is aligned with their OUTER LIFE. (Cheers to Janelle Orion☀️)

Schedule a conversation here. My Virtual Amazeball (VA) will schedule you.


#soul #businesssuccess #youarebrave #integratedentrepreneur

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