How to Build a New Brand in Five Steps

"You love it so much...... you can't even SEE how horrible it is."

--Scarlett Boudreaux

This is what my daughter said about my cowgirl hat. 

Ever since we came to Costa Rica, my cowgirl hat had been disintegrating. I guess even cowgirls get the blues.

The moisture here, during the rainy season makes phone chargers useless, books lose their binding and straw hats lose their shape. 

"But my cowgirl hat is part of my brand!" I said with whiny desperation.

My daughter was unmoved.

Maybe it was time to change my brand.


When we're close to things, we sometimes struggle to really SEE them. This can happen to:

Our partners. 

Our children.

Our massive purse.

Our skinny jeans.




Change is HARD. 

But there IS beauty in impermanence.

We wouldn't want cancer to go on forever. 

We wouldn't want heartbreak to feel intense for too long. 

And so it was time for me to evolve. 

I bought a two-tone, black-striped-straw sun hat. It's less edgy. More natural. Perhaps less about performance and more about the present. 

Here's a massively simplified six-step process on how to evolve your brand:

Talk to a marketing therapist (Hello Janelle Kenny Orion) so you can strategize first.

  1. Upgrade your LinkedIn Profile. It's MOST important. (Not your website)

  2. Get a one sheet (Yes, a PDF) so you can give people a nine-second scan of YOU. This will become very handy.

  3. Turn your one-sheet into a Landing Page while you work on your website.

  4. Engage with a lead-gen system that you have the potential to LOVE.

  5. Finish your website.

How are you evolving? Do you need to start?

I see you, friend. And I can help with your transformation.

#brandmessaging #yourarebrave #evolution